Almost food companies want your children


Children as young as 2 Center for food policy and obesity are fed a steady diet of fast-food show, according to a new report by Yale University Rudd in Connecticut. Note in the fast food FACTS (food advertising, children and teens score) report to researchers that exposure to fast food show increased 21 percent for preschoolers, 34 percent for children of age 2 to 11 and 39 percent for teenagers from 2003 to 2009. The average vorschulkind looks almost three messages per day for fast food, older children see three and a half, and young people see almost five.

And the ads are not limited TV.Fast food companies are websites, display banner and social and mobile media use to reach our children.

For its part, fast-food chains protest that you have made efforts to healthier fare on their menus for children. But the reality is that these healthy options are the Rudd Center report recommends the default options in kids meals (some).(We all know that children meals with French fries and a non-alcoholic drinks-come not baby carrots or apples and skim milk). Furthermore, restaurants can and should revised your popular kid menu options to reduce saturated fat, sodium and calories.

For me, this issue about healthy diet goes choices for children. Consider the following: in 2009, the fast food industry spent more than $4.2 billion on marketing.You know exactly what it takes to lead our children want to your Produkte.Wir parents have a tremendous battle on our hands if we hearing to address and control our children towards healthy eating to.We must press for healthier food of menus and we must avoid that fast food is a regular part of the lives of our children.It is not only a matter of our children's health-it is a struggle of David against Goliath, right against makes.

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