Slim is better, say 3-year-olds

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I have just read about a confusing study shows that girls were shown as young as 3 significantly to prefer obese thin.

Researchers at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California girl asked age 3 until 5 look at 3 numbers, identical, except for size were (a thin, another was average and the third FAT). The girls were asked to assign positive and negative adjectives such as "intelligent" nice "," "stupid" and "any friends."The result: an average 3.1 negative and 1.2 positive words were used to fats numbers to beschreiben.Die thin figures, received on the other hand, 1.2 negative adjectives and 2.7 positive words.

Were asked if the girl you most want the numbers to play with and have a best friend, were significantly more often choose the thin figure over the other two numbers.

And last but not least, the girls were asked to choose game pieces of three different sizes. Some of the girls in the test wanted alarmingly fat to touch size even the tiles. When asked if you game piece for a thin switch a fat would, many girls denied or expressed dislike.

I suppose we should be surprised that young girls are the ubiquitous message soaking the ideal is thin.Take a look at the advertising on TV, billboards in neighbouring stands on the magazines.I know so many beautiful women, are the "normal" size, but it is rare to see people of average size represented in show and movies and TV.Studien like this are very strong evidence that even young children are picking up the message.

Yes, we have a childhood obesity epidemic in this country that surely be addressed with a change in the way we children about fitness and muss.Aber teach good nutrition if 6 year old diets and are 3 years even reluctant to touch pieces that are represented as obese game, something else is going on Here.Und it makes me sad.

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