Vapor rub may ease Kids� cold symptoms

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When my son was five in preschool and kindergarten and four years ago it seemed, as he had days more sick days as well. At this age, he was more susceptible to infections, because his immune system was not as strong as it is now. At the same time he was constantly exposed with other children, with colds and other infections in school, came down.

At that time I gave my son facilitate pediatric cough and cold medicines of its symptoms and help him, (this was warning before the recent flood of recommendations, the cold against young children drugs) want to sleep .Heute parents turn to relieve more old-fashioned methods of reduce overall symptom like honey cough and vapor rub relieve cough and traffic jams.

A new study by researchers at Penn State College of medicine has found that rubs steam containing camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus oils ease symptoms of upper respiratory infections can help children. Researchers 138 children divided into three groups. One was treated with vapor rub, the second was treated with Vaseline and the third group received anything. After a night some improvement in symptoms; had children in all three groupsbut children rubbing vapor received found, rubs the greatest benefit to erleben.Vapor were found the frequency to improve and severity of cough, ease congestion, and help children (and parents) some sleep at night.(A word of warning: nearly half of the 44 children in the vapor rub group were found mild have experienced some side effects of such skin irritation.)

As cold medication options for parents who are looking for ways to relieve your children cold symptoms, we must longer routine or more on the prevention of diseases and looking pointing vigilant this research sein.Wie alternative remedies to help symptoms if our children fall ill ease, may be review treated as previous generations of parents cold remedies a good way to go.

Related articles:Natural ways your child's cough and ColdKids younger treat as 4 should be given not cold medicines

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