John Travolta, Tom Cruise and other Hollywood celebrities have been attributed to the joint committees with the Church of Scientology Dyslexia reading problems. How does the church made it? I have not ever been a member of Scientology Church. I have read extracts from the l. Ron Hubbard Scientology church books and other courses, but that doesn't make me a church authority. Today's society in the context of the Scientology Church displays most theologians and education frowned. So why is the Cruise, Travolta and other church success with Dyslexia adamant and their methods of "immediate"? Church of Scientology is very secretive, but in the future, the authors need to work with what, when, where and how this was achieved not only by Hollywood stars, but also other members of the Church. About 10 years ago I did some digging and what we got:
It is not a spiritual transformation that took place during the Cruise, Travolta, and others. They went simply called Super intensive academic literacy course of study through the program. I think this is a 3-d program/multi-GNOME-sensory lab, was the pioneer in correcting the reading and writing for people with disabilities. Of course, many academic and learning disability expert disagrees with me.
Super literacy course was the first reading of the disability program to zero-in and correct reading disability show symptoms. When reading, if a Word is added to the reader, hesitated, out of a Word, the word or ignored line is replaced by the following, in particular, he was then concentrate on the word, which caused confusion and unnecessary stimuli and learn three basic aspects of the word: how it looks, what it sounds like and what it means. The primary 3D normal, that Super literacy course to resolve the unwanted confusion was the sculpture in clay. So there is nothing mystical about improvement of Dyslexia. It is a simple and basic education course, which was used to remediate the problems associated with reading disability, the words and symbols in the English language.
Super literacy course has been updated and changed several times over the past two decades. What is available today in the course of watered down version. Instead of pursuing the Scientology Church and tries to keep track of the original version of this course, I would recommend that one carries out a 3-D program, the first and most important priority is a master of abstract words and symbols. This is the key to remove more than 90% of the reading disability issues related to Dyslexia or 3-d learner problems.
If an upgrade of a dyslexic child or any other "disability" (86) of the labels associated with learning difficulties, Dyslexia is a learning and 911 emergencies which may restrict your child's learning and progress at school, your child's confidence and causing yourself and your family to crash in worth, deformation of the instability and despair is the node in the solution. Dyslexia 911 CEO Bill Allen and his team have created a program for Learning to read Program, which helps parents Dyslexia related emergency management literally.
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