Thrifty Thursday: Save money by selecting reusable gift wrap

It happens every year: you scramble to make sure you have enough wrapping paper and Ribbon, and at the end of money for something that quickly up torn and discarded, contribute to the massive amounts of post waste. This year, you should consider lowering the cost of buying gift wrap-not to mention reducing your environmental impact-by reusable wraps.

In South Korea, where my family comes, have we called our gifts wrap a tradition of use of colorful cloths Bojagi. Wipes the expensive silk or affordable polyester can be made, but work to create beautifully wrapped gifts and are reusable.

So you get a few reusable cloths such as BOBO, scarves wrapping your gifts for family and friends present this year. Just think of the money you save on all the paper and Ribbon.

You can get also some winding beautiful reusable bags such as those from Envirosax your gifts. This strong and stylish bags can carry up to 44 pounds and folds bundle up in little that can easily fit on even small handbags.

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