As much as the parent of the child and throws them in the making of any such guidance must say the idea may not be allowed to stand in the world, I have the I need to bring the Gospel to "fence straddling" problem. On the other side is a "good parent" so to speak, or the main caretaker farmers, which provides for the child/children, 51% or more of the time. They go and the assistance of the State (in most cases), and top it with the default rules for the protection of the child support the child support enforcement. I understand that the children are expensive, BELIEVE ME. But there must be a "good parents" of these may not exceed the limit. In most cases, it is the mother of the child and caring to see them for a weekend father. That is the same as the average of the month, 8 days. He then goes and gets this stuff, on the other hand, they are called, dependent children and is likely to be nearly as well as the fact that I put my life at least 75% does not Get used for the children. But he gives him slack. Think of it as their "baby" of the "State of defence" or the "comeback" for whatever happened to (as I said IN most cases), but he actually votes publicly that his child support was used to rent and electricity and water, etc.
No is here when my fault ... ... .... I think that child support should be used exclusively for the child, on a wide range of issues. The school field trips, such as, day care costs (when taking into account, he only has 4 days per month, this is understandable). Clothing, if the mother of his bag to compress the weekend food ... MAKE SURE THAT THE ... If the State does not already receive food stamp benefits, medical co-pay visits (if they are not in the public health care plan). What is child support and another way to use his money "for other necessities," mother! May sound like a bitchy and unaware of the problem, but I have seen this so so so so so so many cases. So, if the "Bad parent" sees the child every weekend, I think child support is very understandable, if it is a reasonable amount, or even better. Child support is handled in a different way. Such as day care expenses come directly off before it gets the "mothers" in the hands of child support. It would be MAGNIFICENT. Just as it is returned to his law examination before it falls into the hands of the "fathers". These child support "debit cards" over ATM devices are used and that the money, the ends of the straight bar or in the mall. No, in all cases, and this is sad. But I know, this HAPPENS because, as a percentage of the people's great. Or a "good parent" only rose to the high fat content and the payment of the child calls for 3 days in succession, his little rink part-time employee dink he works to keep his State assistance to the cause of even the MISSOURI State will give you less if wholly unemployed. Or register of the College and take 6 years to their State aid in the sky carrier stage rockets, if they are the "student" and they are also remainders of the "Federal grants to" further the cause! Real nice! Shows this through! AND OPEN THEM IN THE LEGS OF THE LITTLE GIRL.TIME TO STAND UP AND BE THE WOMEN! Take responsibility for your actions. I agree, the child support is required in some cases, but on the wrong things and are exercised. The man and women are equal now. The children were both, as the case may be, shall ensure, in the US! Not one should take advantage of! Unable to Continue, but I need to explain the other Pointsini! I am quite sure the picking list for putting up what I have.
Now, the second point which I shall speak in an orderly manner so as to information is the "bad parent" that never see the children. These are the parents of child support should be paid. Still, it takes only a reasonable number of the access to the child. For example, half of the costs of the causation that day care parent does not allow more then 51% custody (hopefully), half of the clothing costs, half of the co-pays for medical expenses, half the food the child eats (it is the responsibility of the feed that mans the mother (or his or her boyfriend)).
I think only a mother or father, who is the most important caretaker farmers would be the most important election Board and close by all the other paid him. The kid Yes 50% for children. Yes!!!! Why do more? 50% of the responsibility of the parents of the child is not valid. Is a little more! Absolutely invalid and is not responsible for the parent to demonstrate a good parent. You (the so-called "good parent") has its own parents to take care of for you.
Thirdly, the great parent of my ass off to provide for their families at home and in their "child support" on the invoice. They see their children, 50% or more. Provides for their clothes, carry them into the school and back to the 50%, the feeds they help, export them to a doctor or hospital, their care, pay all extra charges, when the children are in their care. Then The Surprise ... He retrieves the three digit "child support" in the Bill of materials (BOM), and can hardly survive and do meet this heads in order to avoid any danger. They pay this huge number of flips and spend them, and the last grocery store feed EUR 30.00 is the next 5-6 days in a row, when the child support the receiver shopping out of inventory of my ass, and use the money for the children to their "debt" and the bar. Some have seen using an ATM or credit card machine bar child support cards. This I have seen, my friends have seen this. Then, when that parent undertaking, which gives everything they have, of course, the children and goes off to take them to the school for 50% of the way, they can see their children dressed in rags and slippers. I saw this working days of the date of the management of the port facility, and I just felt so bad that the parent that is a member of this society is very active and pay their taxes, give the other "in the interest of the financial collateral to a" more benefits, that they are lost! BAD FOR BABIES. The children of This type of environment is growing and I think it is "OK" to be this way. Then you can use top. ... They go on to take the children's day care and the school has not been paid, so they will not be able to delete them. No, he spent the last of his money to the grocery store, and does not have enough gas money to work hardly, and now he must forget the days of the date on which the job cause children to daycare. THE COMPARISON OF THE GRAPE JUICE CAKE!
And that ladies and gentlemen is a deadbeat parent. Whether a man or women, makes no difference. Children are the responsibility of the volume ratio and it will remain so whether you have the balls or not. No man should pay for half of the child to lose/and not women should be made to the Convention on the rights of the child to lose half of/. Women are clearly possible breadwinner, and so for men. Were different! On the other hand, they should be based on the ratio of the volume ratio. Sorry if I sound confusing but the guys are my friends and I know that I am fully capable to demonstrate my children. You can watch take advantage of the people is the CRAZINESS! Stand up and own a large girl boy pants, and DEAL WITH it! Stop seeking pity. Which allow you to use much less the parent!
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