Twenty-first century, the pace of change continues to increase with each other and the world is becoming a complex and knowledge-based economy in the craving is more intellectual property and individuals. Thus, it is important that we move our focus on education and lifelong learning. If we are willing to learn new perspectives, we can enhance learning. Everyone needs to understand that we do not Teach students to grow in the age of technology. This means that they learn in different ways than we do.
Global competitiveness, the environment is indeed changed over the past decade. Other countries such as China and Japan are making a tremendous gains in the field of science and technology. The United States of America. The company's executives are looking for a required field graduate skills, but who have discovered the most valuable of the candidate, in cooperation, communication and Creative problem-solving. These are the skills that are more difficult and harder to find candidates.
Education of the future Force studio-based learning. Studio-based learning, where every child will be able to see what every child is learning. This is critical, so that every child can witness other thinking processes and to understand the thinking behind it. The children can then will pick up the skills of the other students. Students begin to learn to appreciate the learning process, because they learn their struggles, successes and missteps. This is done by teaching through technology-based learning setting. Children interact with blogs, websites, SMS and games to learn through socially.
Children learn better in this way, since they may retain information longer. It has become apparent that more children have, the longer the retention time of the review of the material. If the children on a daily basis to check the concepts with each other through blogging, they better understand the material and keep for longer.
Our children are the most advanced technology for the generation of yet-to-many of them jobs that did not even exist today. Our children learn using technology. They are gaming systems that interact with everyday and have been successful. What if you build the training around the gaming process? We create a training system that is interactive and the project is based on. Children would then blogs and sites for information about successful projects, interact, ask for help when they are stuck, and talk about how to carry out a review of the concepts, or materials. Children should be better adaptive training process, if we create an environment in which they learn job skills, which actually should be able to use in the future? The answer is Yes. Most children go home and virtual games daily and hours. If the education system was built here, the students would be more interested in learning. Children also have the skills that they needed a job such as critical thinking, cooperation, and problem-solving.
We need to teach in English (which we do). Children need to teach the formal and informal language (which we may or may not), the difference between the two. Finally, it should approve the level of the strong opposition, (which is certainly not do) instead of the write method for children. Think of a project-based learning. Children need to organise your own testing in English language to come and what we learn is a standard English.
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