If you've read my article "can help you with your Basic arithmetic? Stay away from spreadsheets "then shall ye know that I am not a fan of traditional spreadsheets. After writing that article, I found another credible teacher who has written many articles expounding the benefits of spreadsheets in ezine. I decided to order some clarification of the position.
Most of the math worksheets as the primary problem is the problem has already been written, the child needs to write only the answers. Learning and training, in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and Division skills, there are a lot of useful facts for the child to write the entire whole, and to say aloud. The child learns much faster multiplication, if they are in writing, to the 6 x 8 = 48 off, they say "six times eight-eight" at the same time as if they are only 6 x 8 = ____, and only to the 48.
Instead of using the tables, the better way is to use the size of the individual in writing of the decisions of the boards of appeal and the entire white paper free of mechanical pulp, the facts of the number of times the child. Having regard to the written 9 x 7 = 7 x 9 = 63, even saying "nine times seven is the same as the seven times nine, and corresponds to the 60-three" is many times more successful than a spreadsheet, 9 x 7 = ____ the child student thinks the answer only once, and then type the answer to the same problems.
I admit, is one of the type worksheet that in the past and found a relatively beneficial, even though it was a different kind of flaw. My basic math, Algebra and Algebra in Pre-classes, I was in the "omavalvontaj?rjestelm?n" in the worksheets that you want to use several books. These spreadsheets were at the top of the puns, or puzzle questions and problems as students worked some kind of code you were given to them to respond to the reply to the letter. If they dealt with the problems correctly letters replied to, eventually, Pun or riddle. The students were given to these tables, but there are a couple of problem areas, even with these worksheets. Some of the students at an early stage to obtain the answer to the riddle and then work backwards letter in response to the problem, so they are not learning or training in anything.
Almost all of the worksheets in the second issue is that they Prevent not incorrect answers. Omavalvontaj?rjestelm?n, Anna worksheets only know they did something wrong-it student. I am a firm believer of learning, if possible, should be organised in such a way that very few opportunities for error, the concept of small chunks. Spreadsheets are often made and allows errors to be repeated many times. Error, which retrieves the 133-135, it is very difficult to resolve. This happens in particular when the tables are used once or baby sitters and fillers, the job is not really being supervised.
There are some new materials, developing now based on what we are learning about how the brain learns. These brain-friendly should to improve the quality of the materials for more than what exists. I recently bought a book, Marcia l. Tate which titled "Mathematics worksheets are growing Dendrites." I highly recommend his book. He gives a large amount of information on alternative actions, which are better for your child's brain development and learning.
Regardless of what material you choose, it is very important that your child constantly, so that errors get caught, on the other hand, 133-135. I learned this lesson the hard way. When my daughter was young, he had something that is needed for the "attention." I no longer what it was that he had, but told her to write the sentence, "I have my parents to fulfil its obligations-failure to leave again" 50 times. Should have known better, but I am not sure at the beginning of her and then I got busy. So sometimes later, he brought me 50 sentences, leave the "I do not for my parents ' failure to agen." He had just 133 – 135 misspelling "again" than "agen",-50 times! I'm not certain that we never really got fixed.
In this issue, training is not for errors is very important. Parents should not allow spreadsheets as busy work and teachers should be used only if you intend to replace the-math teacher is. White boards with supervision is always a better way to practice skills. If you need some time to get your kids to do chores much useful in helping you chores. And maybe you can use a little discussion, numbers, or calculated while doing chores together.
Shirley Bass, "Slick Tricks Lady," is a retired high school math teacher, and degrees in mathematics and psychology and brain-based learning/training in teaching. His objectives: (1) in order to enable parents to help their children with math, (2) in order to help eliminate the failure and the horrendous Algebra (3) to inform the public about issues related to education. A free call "10 tips for your child's study Habits Slick improvement" visit his website at http://myslicktips.com/
Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shirley_Slick

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