Make your own fun, interactive, curriculum guide
How many nights have you sat with your child and check their vocabulary words and definitions for them? How long have you sat does not repeat the definitions and ask them questions about each word? There is no reason you should interact with the research in their own child for long periods of time. Everyone wants their children to school, but so much of the activity and the Confederation of families, the mother needs to take care of all the shortcuts. Was spending too much time to study your own child and my chores were neglected. I wanted my children to school and be able to tell him "no" when he asked me to help him study. Because so much time to study had expenditures, I came a great way to explore for yourself. Study guide is so easy to do that before long my child do this guide without you.
Research Guide to the preparation of the
You will need the following to develop fun, interactive study guide:
1. Dictionary words and definitions, which were sent to teacher Homepage
2. the scanner/copy to your computer
3. Scissors
4. the Ziploc bag
Steps you can take the course guide
1. Make a copy of your child's vocabulary and definitions in the table.
2. save the original copy of the off side.
3. Cut strips to the dictionary words and definitions. For example: you should Strip, which is similar to: Volcano-the Earth's crust through which lava flows.
4. When you have all the vocabulary definition strips cutting/, you must cut off the Strip Word dictionary so that you have a pile of words in the dictionary definitions and the pile. Need to be creative, cutting these bands differ depending on the format of the original study guide. For example, if some of the definitions of the two lines long, make sure that all strips are cut in a single line in the dictionary, so that your child will not be able to see that the definitions that occupy two lines corresponds to a larger vocabulary words. The easiest way to Cut these bands differ from each other and if you can Cut each strip of the same size. Your kids may try to "copy this guide back together" as a puzzle, where it is evident that a specific word to match the size of certain bands, therefore, in accordance with the definition.
New guide to studying with
1. Is your child's confused definition of the tapes and then place a pile of them all on the right side of the vertical row of the table.
2. Is your child to be confused with a pile of words, and then they are all on the right side, the definition of the bands separately.
3. in Oman, the child is now ready for the definitions of the words. When he thinks their answers are correct, you can check their answers to some common questions about the guide in the original investigation. Soon, they must be able to verify their responses without your help.
Children learn in different ways, some of the best to listen to, while others do better seeing or their books. Both styles of learning in order to be sure to go to the dictionary words with your child after they feel they have Mastered a study guide for action in the light of the above.
Please check with your interactive guide to your child
When your child thinks they Mastered the words and definitions, check this guide with them.
1. Give your child a pile of words to the dictionary definition of the bands at the same time when the pile.
2. Read the definition of each of your child and the strip, click to select the correct words in the dictionary, and a pile of his word.
3. change the piles with your child, and test them again, read the definitions and take them by selecting the correct words in the dictionary. You can choose to insert the correct word to the side and work with only the conflicting ones again or to deal with all the words you know your child until you are ready for their test.
You'll be surprised how well it works, and how much time this will save you! Your kids will love this activity and should learn from the rapidly to their words. After they have finished studying, they keep this activity in the Ziploc bag so they will not lose any of their banners before studying again.
I am at home mother of two boys in the hotel. I taught fifth grade, called to go to work everyday and loved by the parents and the students ' interaction. After having my first child, I would be best for my family, if you stay home and not go back to teaching until my son received his parents were. Well, here I am, instead of two, and still at home, and the mother of the classroom. I will give you a little secret ...I do not return to the classroom. I enjoy staying Home Kids and knowing that I can be there when they need me to do my boss crazy about tasks a day off.
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