Learning to read is very much like the construction of the foundation of the House: you can start one block or concept and you can add to it, over and over until you have a strong foundation, build your own House to rest.
The Foundation for reading should begin well before your child enters school. If your child can develop basic reading skills and a love for books before they start school, there is less chance that they have become resistant to the learners an and.
Teaching your child to read "may sound daunting, where to start? The story of the time, of course! Approximately 1/3 English language material used in the simple words, the longest of 25, which is 4 characters long. In fact, most of the English material to use in approximately 100 words. If your child learns these, they are very much pigs you can read for yourself.
the following words: "the best 25For a complete list of wiki articles
Teaching these words as a matter of fact, the problem is that many of them may not simply to teach through self contained many words in the dictionary, you may like the picture. They need to get the most out of context, and the best place to find it already knows your child lies within the stories and love.
We explain how:
Please refer to this list. Through the story of a child, and Oman to identify all of the 25 most common words. If you prefer, you can focus on your child's age, only one word in the word of your child's time. Introduce, before you can start reading.
Print the word in the blank sheet of paper. Practice repeating several times. Repeat the word, that is to say, its own child, it is your own child say the word to all policy in its own way. If you have problems with the pronunciation, repeat these steps.Keep track of your fingers all the letters in a Word, the kids do the same when you say the word.Write a simple sentence of the paper. Ask your child to sentence the word, and pronounce the word aloud.
Next, read your favorite story. When you are focusing on Word, click it when you say the word. Ask your child to say the word, and allows you to find the next few pages. When they spot on it, they can help, that is to say, then, that is to say a Word and its own. When the kids are familiar with will no longer be able to stop, when you click it, and only the word, is your own child to pronounce the word aloud. Then you can continue reading.
When your child begins to take over the processing, of course, whenever they see the words that they know more than one word to enable. Oman child soon after you have to do more reading!
You can re-visit of the old books too! Books, that uses, it is recommended that you read to your child to become new again when they learn more words and begin to help you to read them as soon as your child participates in story time ... read to you.
How can you practice reading with your child? Would be nice to hear your thoughts!
Sheena is a teacher and author, who are passionate about creativity. His website is "a growing Creative Kids" is full of ideas, resources, and creative inspiration for parents, teachers and health care staff. http://growingcreativekids.com/
Sheena has two e-books available on his website at: http://growingcreativekids.com/shop
"Growing the Creative Kids" provides ideas, inspiration and tools, as well as a great resource in the cultivate your own family inside the creative mind.
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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sheena_Witter

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